A YouGov poll for the Telegraph has been published today and it's not a pretty sight for the Lib Dems. They come out of it with a measly 13% support as opposed to Labour with 40% and the Tories with 39%. Worringly, (for those of us who sit on the Tory side of the fence) it could appear that 80% of the Lib Dem's losses have drifted in Labours direction. (Tories up 1% and Labour up 4%).Most of the poll respondents will have made their choice before the Hughes story broke this week. Things are going from bad to worse for them. Next month we could be seeing support for the party fall into single figures. If only the successor to Kennedy had been chosen by the pointing of 61 fingers in Ming's direction with the words "he'll do!" exclaimed in unison by all, then [almost] all would be well now, and the skeletons wouldn't have come tumbling out of cupboards at every turn, and the reputation of two of the party's top MPs would have been left untarnished.
Horizon may be worth looking at tonight.
Horizon BBC2 21:00
A War on Science. Series exploring topical scientific issues. The story of how one of science's greatest theories is facing one of its greatest threats. The theory of evolution is under attack from a controversial new idea called intelligent design, an idea that claims to give an alternative explanation for the origin of life on earth. This new movement claims to be scientific but to many it threatens to replace science with God.
Documentaries are not what they used to be, though. I have little doubt this will be another of those with a narrator, who is usually female because the BBC thinks that science is too male dominated, say the same things again and again and when you get to the end of the 50 minutes you realise the programme makers could have comfortably squeezed all that was needed to be said into a 10 minute programme and you could have spent the time better by watching Celebrity Big Brother instead.
How dare God threaten to make a comeback and tear the theory of evolution limb from limb in the process! He has some nerve.
I have to admit i've only seen the phrase "intelligent design" used at most once or twice in this context, I have no knowledge of the theory whatsoever, but I can't help but wonder if those who put their name to the theory (and are featured in the programme) are perceived by the BBC collective mindset as being nutty american christians.
We shall see.... unless something else is on that looks more interesting.
The above programme synopsis could be quite revealing about the collective mindset of the left-wing propaganda machine that we have no choice but to feed with our money. Note the words "war", "threats", "threatens", "under attack", and "controversial". All very emotive words. Everything that doesn't fit into the BBC collective mindset is usually described as "controversial". "This new movement claims to be scientific..." which is designed to pull the viewer into thinking this movement is not what it seems and that it has some sinister agenda and is not to be trusted.
Oh heck, I am beginning to think i've spent too long reading Biased BBC.
I would have been surprised by the revelation of Hughes' homosexuality if it had come out last week as it had never crossed my mind that he may be that way inclined. The first i had an idea was at the weekend while wandering in blogland and reading about the Outen business. People were genuinely surprised about Outen and saying how they thought Hughes had been more likely to have had skeletons in the cupboard. I then wondered, does that mean Hughes is unmarried?
Hughes, aged 54 and unmarried, that can only mean one thing, i thought. Apparently he denied last week that he was gay (that story passed by without me seeing it). Hughes' chances appeared to have increased significantly with a poll being published this week. His support among the Mr and Mrs Average was probably most helped by the fact that Mr and Mrs Average have barely heard of the other candidates in the Lib Dem leadership contest.
The Lib Dems are not having a good week are they? Out of the three most likely to win the leadership, one is definitely out of it (Outen's early departure from the contest almost certainly connected to the emerging scandal) and another has had his chances seriously damaged. Has Ming got something to hide too? I doubt it. If there is some kinky sex antics scandal, i bet a Stannah stairlift will have been involved.
Ming's age is obviously an issue to some, but how much of an issue is it really? I mean, it's not quite like the Tories contest with Clarke, with them requiring a leader for the next four years and then to become Prime minister for a few more. It's unlikely that the Lib Dems are going to form a government in four years time. My money would be on the [one-time] dark horse. Huhne. At the rate things are going he may only need to sit and wait and not fall off his chair for the leadership to be thrown into his lap.